Muggles & school

Hi guys!
How are you doing?

hi, gif, and stitch image

I have not talked to you for such a long time, it feels like ages and I think I owe you an explanation. I created this blog during summer holidays of 2015 and I thought I would have enough time during my fourth and final year of high school to post regularly, but it was simply too much.
A lot of things happened during this time. I do not even know where to start, but I will try to be as short as possible.

Problem number one: SCHOOL

My main problem this year is school. I know and understand that school and education are important, but I feel like there is a huge difference between a healthy amount of challenge in order to do and be better and being so stressed about school that you break down and cry.

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I feel like I can not deal with it anymore. Everybody is pressuring on me and I feel like I will break under all responsibilities I have.  My career goals are quite high and I do not need people stressing me out, because I am stressing myself enough.
I feel like my health is not important to anyone as long as I come to school and get the grades I need. Nobody asks me how I feel and I am kind of happy they do not do that. I do not know what would I tell them … that I am fine? That I am stressed so much I just want to stop doing everything? Obviously I am not fine. I want to be motivated from teachers and parents, but I am  not getting that. I think I was born in the wrong time since I would be an excellent student at Hogwarts (I am still waiting for my letter, but it got lost).

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Problem number one: Muggles aka humans aka my confidence

The other problem I am dealing with is my confidence.  It is actually so bad that I had to seek for help. I feel better now, talking to someone who does not know me as much as my friends and family do, but can still help me in maybe an even better way. He told me to compliment myself everyday on different occasions. I know, it is kind of ridiculous, but it is also super hard for me to do it as my confidence is on level zero. I do not feel comfortable  talking about it as much as I would wish to, but if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me. 🙂

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I hope you understand! I promise I will be soon back with posting books related posts, I just thought you needed an explanation for my abstinence. What kind of blog do you want from me next? Comment down bellow!

Thank you for reading and have a nice day! x


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